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You are free to look at the information contained on DepotOnline's website without having to provide any personal details. You only have to provide your personal details to obtain certain services or to look up certain information.
When you provide personal details, these will be treated by DepotOnline pursuant to the legal obligations in force in terms of the processing of personal details.
When we process your details, on the website and in our internal database, we use encrypting techniques which are recognised as everyday standards in the IT sector.
Not all the personal details which are collected are accessible to the public; they may be looked up only by members of the personnel or persons authorised by SABAM who need this information to perform their jobs.
DepotOnline does not send personal details to third parties, unless you expressly give authorisation to do so, or else in order to comply with the legal obligations which are imposed on DepotOnline.
You have a right to access all the information which DepotOnline has recorded on you. If you wish to exercise this right, please contact us (written request, dated and signed + copy of both sides of your identity document) at the address mentioned below.
You also have the right to rectify potentially inaccurate or incomplete information which we keep for ourselves or ask us to delete your personal details from DepotOnline's file. If you wish to exercise this right, please contact us (written request, dated and signed + copy of both sides of your identity document) at the address mentioned below.
If you have provided your email address and you do not wish to receive emails in the future from DepotOnline, please report this to us explicitly at the address mentioned below.
If, via our website, you provide us with your mailing address, you may receive periodic mail shots from us containing information on DepotOnline. If you do not wish to receive these mail shots, please report this to us explicitly at the address mentioned below.
If, via our website, you provide us with your telephone number, we may contact you by telephone on information related to DepotOnline. If you do not wish to receive these phone calls, please report this to us explicitly at the address mentioned below.
If you wish to react to the privacy policy described above or if you find that our website does not comply with our aforementioned policy, please get in contact with us.
There are several possible ways of doing so:
People who so wish may obtain additional information on the legislation applicable in terms of the protection of personal details from the Privacy Commission, Avenue de la Porte de Hal 5-8, 1060 Brussels.
Then don't hesitate to check out our frequently asked questions or contact us by pressing the button below.